Cultural Evolution May Be Blocking Ecological Solutions

Cultural evolution refers to the way humans create tools and social systems to adapt to and shape their environments. Find out how the tension between our cooperative and competitive natures may be preventing us from solving the ecological crisis humanity faces.

Prehistoric Herders More Sophisticated Than Scientists Realized

Prehistoric herders in the high mountains kept small, diverse animal herds. Find how a new study reveals that their animal husbandry practices were far more sophisticated than previously thought.

Indonesian Hunter Gatherers Sing Their Traditional Language

Indonesian hunter gatherers known as the Punan Batu have their own, secretive language that they sing instead of speaking. Find out how this trait, combined with their unique genetic background, gained them official recognition and legal rights as Indigenous peoples.

Music is Humanity’s Universal Language, Study Shows

“Music is the universal language,” we often hear, but how true is that maxim? Find out how a new study shows that people from diverse cultures can recognize the emotions expressed in songs.

Agricultural Revolution Still Affects Humanity’s Modern Life

The Agricultural Revolution took place about 12,000 years ago and brought many benefits. Find out how the lifestyle changes humanity embraced then also led to the conflict, disease, fitness and nutrition issues we cope with today.

Why Domestic Chores Matter Less to Men

Domestic chores overwhelmingly fall to women in most households. Find out the psychology behind this disparity and why it doesn't give men a free pass to avoid housework. 

Music Training Improves Brain Function and Mood

Music training has been a recognized mental health treatment since the dawn of time. Find out how a new study shows that learning to play an instrument improves our cognition while relieving depression, anxiety and stress.

Screen Time Better for Teens than Disconnection

Screen time worries many parents, who fear it interferes with social development. Find out why a new study shows that restricted Internet access is more detrimental to teen self-esteem.