Euclid Space Telescope Will Explore Dark Energy

The Euclid Space Telescope’s mission is to explore the composition and evolution of dark energy. Find out how its observations of over a billion galaxies aim to solve what scientists call cosmology’s greatest mystery.

Massive Early Galaxies Discovery Could Be ‘Universe Breaker”

Massive early galaxies emerged from a review of the James Webb Space Telescope’s first dataset. Find out why current science says they shouldn’t exist, and what this means for our understanding of the Big Bang and galaxy formation.

Webb Telescope Optics Meet Expectations

The James Webb Space Telescope team has announced that they've completed a key stage in deploying its primary mirror. Find out why NASA now confirms that the telescope's audaicious design will deliver on its demanding science goals.

Hubble Tension May Be Loosening

Hubble tension is the difference in results that scientists get when they try to measure the rate at which our Universe expands. Find out how a new study may have split the difference and loosened the tension between two camps of researchers. (4:00 min read)

Bing Bang Afterglow - Galaxy with Halo - Messier 94

Big Bang Afterglow Showing How Galaxies Form

The Big Bang Afterglow is known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Discover how combining CMB data with galactic observations is unlocking the secret of galaxy formation. (4:30 min read)

Cosmic Microwave Background Colour Representation

Cosmic Microwave Background Tells Story of the Universe

The Cosmic Microwave Background yielded new information to researchers. Find out why this helps us to better understand the origin and fate of our Universe. (4:30 min read)