Wishful Thinking Leads to Poor Decision Making

Wishful thinking, or dismissing beliefs that make us uncomfortable, even if they’re true, is a common human weakness. Find out how a new study examined how we tend to avoid thinking about negative consequences and how we can learn to manage this familiar tendency.

Memory Depends on ‘Spacing Effect’ and Variation

Memory has puzzled scholars since the dawn of civilization. Find out how a new study shows that spacing out study periods improves our memories, along with varying the setting of the item we’re trying to remember.

Robots With AI Also Need Physical Intelligence

Robots with AI (artificial intelligence) are emerging as developers combine large language models (LLMS) with autonomous devices. Find out why they’re discovering that it takes far more that linguistic skills to replicate basic human skills.

Cultural Evolution May Be Blocking Ecological Solutions

Cultural evolution refers to the way humans create tools and social systems to adapt to and shape their environments. Find out how the tension between our cooperative and competitive natures may be preventing us from solving the ecological crisis humanity faces.

Prehistoric Herders More Sophisticated Than Scientists Realized

Prehistoric herders in the high mountains kept small, diverse animal herds. Find how a new study reveals that their animal husbandry practices were far more sophisticated than previously thought.

Sense of Smell Predicted by Artificial Intelligence

Our sense of smell is often overlooked when we consider the tidal wave of artificial intelligence applications. Find out how a new machine-learning model can predict how a new chemical compound will smell without involving humans.

Remembrance Day Reflections on Past and Future

Remembrance Day in Canada commemorates the veterans who gave their lives in the First and Second World Wars, Korea and Afghanistan. Find out the topics on which I found myself reflecting during this annual moment of silence.

Indonesian Hunter Gatherers Sing Their Traditional Language

Indonesian hunter gatherers known as the Punan Batu have their own, secretive language that they sing instead of speaking. Find out how this trait, combined with their unique genetic background, gained them official recognition and legal rights as Indigenous peoples.