Milky Way’s Origins Revealed Using Gaia Observatory

The Milky Way’s origins have puzzled scientists since we first realized it's one of countless galaxies in our universe. Find out how scientists have applied information from the Gaia Space Observatory and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to uncover two of our galaxy’s earliest star streams.

Orion Nebula Contains Pairs of Unexplained Objects

The Orion Nebula is one of the most studied areas of star formation in the galaxy. Find out how the new James Webb Space Telescope has revealed previously unknown objects that defy our understanding of how stars and planets form.

Quasar Origins Explained by Studying Distant Galaxies

Quasar origins have been a mystery to astrophysicists since they discovered these quasi-stellar radio sources sixty years ago. Find out how a team of researchers have discovered that quasars ignite when galaxies collide.

Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Ever Unveils Cosmic Mysteries

Gamma-ray bursts are explosions so powerful they outshine our entire galaxy. Find out how scientists detected the brightest gamma-ray burst ever observed, and what it means for our understanding of the universe.

Spiraling Stars Help Explain Early Universe

Spiraling stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud are the subject of a recent study in ‘The Astrophysical Journal.’ Find out how their spiral motions help explain the “baby boom” of star formation shortly after the Big Bang.

‘Black Widow’ Binary Star Found – Shortest Orbit Ever

Black widow binary stars consist of a neutron star consuming a nearby companion star. Find out how scientists used a new technique to find one of these rare systems, and why their discovery has two other unique characteristics.

Bing Bang Afterglow - Galaxy with Halo - Messier 94

Big Bang Afterglow Showing How Galaxies Form

The Big Bang Afterglow is known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Discover how combining CMB data with galactic observations is unlocking the secret of galaxy formation. (4:30 min read)

Tidal Dwarf Galaxy in Front of Spiral Galaxy

Tidal Dwarf Galaxy Reveals Clues About Star Formation

A tidal dwarf galaxy has been the target of an international research team. Discover how their discoveries challenge what we thought we knew about how stars form. (4:30 min read)