Dark Energy Variations May Unlock Cosmic Mysteries

Dark energy seems to make up abut 70% of the universe, but it’s also a scientific mystery. Find out how new discoveries from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) may help explain our universe’s history and future.

Black Holes and Galaxies Coexisted In Early Universe

Black holes and galaxies existed together during the first one percent of our universe’s existence. Find out why this upends conventional thinking on how stars, galaxies and black holes formed after the Big Bang.

Heaviest Chemical Elements Created by Ancient Stars

The heaviest chemical elements in the universe come from neutron stars. Find out how a new study shows that this process creates heavier atoms than anything we experience on Earth. 

Galaxy Without Dark Matter Challenges Current Science

A galaxy without dark matter has come to light in the constellation Perseus. Find out why this poses a puzzle for astronomers and challenges cosmology's explanation of how our universe began.

Hawking Evaporation Means Everything Will Eventually Dissipate

A new study has found that Hawking evaporation can take place beyond the range of a black hole’s event horizon. Find out why this means that everything in the universe will eventually evaporate.

Massive Early Galaxies Discovery Could Be ‘Universe Breaker”

Massive early galaxies emerged from a review of the James Webb Space Telescope’s first dataset. Find out why current science says they shouldn’t exist, and what this means for our understanding of the Big Bang and galaxy formation.